
What's Cadoo?

What's Cadoo?

On our app, users:
  • Join a fitness challenge with others. The challenge costs money, and has a goal to reach.
  • Work towards reaching the goal and verifying it with a fitness tracker.
  • Get their money back, plus money from losers evenly distributed to winners.
  • Colm joins "Weekend Walkers" and pays $20.
  • Colm walks 30 minutes a day on Saturday + Sunday and verifies it with Strava.
  • Colm gets $20 back plus an extra $5 from the losers.

‼️Cadoo is not a Money making app‼️

People use our app to reach their fitness goals, not to make a living. Since money is involved, this is a very common misconception.

Also check out:

Features Live Today
  • IOS Health, Google Fit, Strava, Garmin, and Fitbit Integrations
  • Walking, Running, and Steps Challenges
  • In-app accounting software
  • Paypal Integration
Features Coming soon
Check out our Roadmap.